
Entities that get drawn on the screen must satisfy several requirements:

  1. They must inherit from the abstract type Starlight.Renderable, since the scene graph culls objects based on type
  2. They must be registered in the ECS using instantiate!, or the scene graph will not see them
  3. They must define a draw method.

Here is an example from Starlight's source code:

mutable struct ColorRect <: Renderable
  function ColorRect(w, h; color=colorant"white", kw...)
    instantiate!(new(); w=w, h=h, color=color, kw...)

defaultDrawRect(r) = TS_VkCmdDrawRect(
  r.abs_pos.x, r.abs_pos.y, r.w, r.h)

draw(r::ColorRect) = defaultDrawRect(r)

...where vulkan_colors is a helper to convert Colorants to the color format expected by Telescope/Vulkan.

Note that the real magic takes place in TS_VkCmdDrawRect, which is Telescope's API for specifically drawing rectangles. If you are using the Telescope backend, you are not able to draw anything that the API doesn't provide explicit support for, although you can compose supported "drawables" using for-loops and such inside your draw function.

Note too that properties are registered in the ECS rather than in the struct definition, as is true for all entities. You can still use struct fields, but they are only ever be referenced if the instance has no ECS attributes with the same name.

Finally, note the mix of property names. Some are constants defined as permanent columns of the underlying DataFrame, and others go to the props dictionary.

The only other Renderable exported by Starlight is Sprite:

mutable struct Sprite <: Renderable
  function Sprite(img; cell_size=[0, 0], region=[0, 0, 0, 0], cell_ind=[0, 0], 
    color=colorant"white", scale=XYZ(1,1,1), kw...)
    instantiate!(new(); img=img, cell_size=cell_size, 
      region=region, cell_ind=cell_ind, color=color,
      scale=scale, kw...)

defaultDrawSprite(s) = TS_VkCmdDrawSprite(s.img, 
  s.region[1], s.region[2], s.region[3], s.region[4], 
  s.cell_size[1], s.cell_size[2], s.cell_ind[1], s.cell_ind[2],
  s.abs_pos.x, s.abs_pos.y, s.scale.x, s.scale.y)

draw(s::Sprite) = defaultDrawSprite(s)

More Renderable's will be "natively" supported in the future, if there's one in particular you'd like to see then feel free to create an issue or, better still, submit a pull request.

These are not a high priority for now though, since sprites and rectangles are sufficient for almost all 2D use cases, and 3D is not a priority (although we're happy to make it a priority if you get in touch, see the README for contact info).

However, check out the Pong example for an idea of what can be done by composing sprites and rectangles.

There are two final Telescope-dependent subsystems to cover: input and physics.