
This walkthrough follows a storytelling approach where a Starlight-like framework is built from scratch. Hopefully this will help you understand the source code better. In any case it is highly recommended that you read everything in order, at least the first time.

It also presupposes knowledge of the Julia programming language. Patterns will be discussed, but core features like multiple dispatch will not. Make sure you have a good grasp of Julia before proceeding.


The struct and method names used in this walkthrough are mostly the same as the ones used in Starlight's own source code. By reading the guide you learn not only Starlight's "core" API but its source code as well, albeit in slightly simplified form.


The purpose of this walkthrough is to prepare you to read the API docs and source code, but not everything there is the same as in the walkthgouh. Use this walkthrough to ground yourself in Starlight's design philosophy and core concepts, but try not to confuse the "classroom" and "real world" versions.